Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

Hey Folks!

Great work on todays WOD – it looked like a nice mix of stability training AND a little gasser in there too. Just as planned ๐Ÿ™‚

In the coming weeks we’re going to be switching to a new scheduling software – bare with me as far as your payments going through and being able to register as “paid” on the site. Please do continue to sign up though! You can do that HERE

Also – please be patient with the ghetto looking cement in the bathroom and its’ associated dust. Should be done with the major renos this week, hopefully have the bathrooms well coifed and looking fantastic by the end of next week!

T shirt order is going in shortly – we’re adding in a few extra of each size (more of the popular sizes, less of the bookend sizes i.e. XXL or XS).

Weightlifting Club is TONIGHT (Wednesday) at 8pm – be there or be less good at weightlifting! ๐Ÿ˜‰ The second best I can offer is trying to get some pointers from the members that go when they’re at CrossFit… but honestly, John just knows what to say and when to say it to make you Snatch and Clean & Jerk better.

Paleo – “Navigating the Paleo World” – is tomorrow night along with the details for the “Whole Life Challenge – Spring Leaning!” Come check it out and bring a friend! Lecture/Presentation, Question and Answer period, and then Alicia will present step in and deliver the goods on the Whole Life Challenge.

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 squats, 10 dislocates, 30 second Russian Baby Maker, 10 hops

Clean and Jerk – 2-2-2-1-1-1 * Work up to a new 1RM if you can! If not, heavy will do!

12 Minute AMRAP:
4 Handstand push ups
8 Kettlebell swings (70#/50#)
16 Sit ups

Stretch – Glutes, Hamstrings, T-spine
Foam Roll – Quads, Lats

See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team