CrossFit Sudbury – 18012017 – 2014 Regionals Event 6-ish

Hey Friends!

Holy sprint and a half.  Lots of reps and moving REALLY fast.  Remember that speed next time you’re in a long grinder and think that if that’s the potential for how fast you CAN go, then you can probably go a little bit faster during the longer grinds.

Weightlifting Club is starting up again next Tuesday – it’s going to be a beauty cycle and we’re going to be focusing on improving mobility/stability as well as tidying up everyone’s technique (which, of course, leads to accidental PRs).

If you haven’t checked out the CrossFitter of the month yet – head over there and read away 🙂 

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Coaches Notes:

Short WOD, Quick interval WOD, and now a long grinder.  Set a good pace, break things up into reasonable sets and try to keep on moving.  Folks should be able to share rowers without messing eachother up.  It’s 1-3 Minutes on the Rower each time.  It’s a bit of an assault on the legs, so try to really push through the push ups.  Cash out is there if you feel like you could use some stronger pecs, and also want to bro-out (which is a unisex term) with your training partner 🙂

Metcon – 2014 Regionals Event 6-ish:

For time:
50 Row (calories)s
50 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
50 Deadlifts, 185/123 lbs
50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
50 Push ups
50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
50 Deadlifts, 185/123 lbs
50 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
50 Row (calories)s

Optional Cash Out:

Bench Press
*Increase weight each set
**Rest minimally – ideally pair up with someone and use their work set and the time it takes to load the barbell as your rest. Try to limit it to as little as you can without rushing around. Don’t be weird. Also, get your friend to spot you.
***Record your final weight used.