Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Hey Folks!

Beauty work on the presses.  Some awesome body english and great faces raised a lot of PRs.  a 5 pound PR is a big deal in the press, so don’t let it discourage you if you didn’t PR by 70 pounds (like Rebecca did in the back squat yesterday… Yeah… 70 pound PR).

Today is another big day… Front Squat day – dig deep and crush extreme.

Cookie exchange approaches quickly!  You don’t have to make enormous cookies, FYI.  a dozen each does seem like a lot (120 cookies total!?!?), but if they aren’t huge, this could be 3 or 4 batches of cookies.  Think about it… but be reasonable.

Warm up

Not for time – 2 rounds:
T spine – 30 seconds, bird dog 30 seconds, 10 sit ups

Front Squat – find a new 1RM!

10 Minute AMRAP:
6 lengths of the gym Farmers carry
15 Unbroken kettlebell swings
5 clapping push ups

Stretch – forearm flexors & Glutes

See you in the gym!
Adam, Eric & Katie (who is just finishing up her tan!)