CrossFit Sudbury – 21062016

Hey Friends!

Great work today on the WOD, it looked like a pretty awesome variation on Fran 🙂  great challenge for the grip and pulling stamina.

Tomorrow we’ve got a beauty E2MOM of squats and HSPU’s.  Should be a good way to get some great squats in as well as some handstand push up practice.  You should know your current scaling level to challenge yourself/build strength, but if not, ask your coach!  And thennnnn…. Open WOD 12.3 It’s a long one and you might get a bit of volume in, so keep that in mind when you approach the WOD (you’ll be sore the next day, but that’s ok).  The workout mostly comes down to how hard you want to work, and trying your best to pace things in a way that allows you to keep moving.  In some cases that’ll mean doing things unbroken (and not wasting time transitioning), and in other cases it’ll mean breaking the movements up into sets that are appropriate.

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