Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Hey Folks!

Awesome back squats – Amy PRs by 10 pounds for 2 easy reps!  Rebecca stands up 93# like it ain’t no thang!  Lots of other great performances today too.

Remember – if you’re competing this coming weekend, you may want to dial it back this week.  We’re doing deadlifts today… they’ll mess you up for a while if you let them.  Go easy.  Save your PRs for another week on this one.

Kristin and I came up with the idea of getting together for dinner with anyone interested on Saturday night.  We’re making reservations at Casey’s (they seem to have healthier options) for anyone who wants to come out, let us know so we can finalize numbers on the reservation – we’re thinking 6:30pm

Warm up

Deadlift 3×3

12 Minute AMRAP:
12 Slam Balls
3 Clean and Jerks
50 Double unders

Stretch – Hamstrings & Quads/Psoas

See you in the gym!
Adam, Drew & Eric