CrossFit Sudbury – 01122017 – Holy shirts and pants

Hey Folks!

Another week has passed us by – crazy how that happens!

REminder that we’ll be closing early tomorrow (sounds like around 5pm, to prepare for Lululemon)  So make sure if you’re a later friday afternoon worker-outer, that you make it in a little earlier! 😉

Gatchell pool might have an issue, so we’ll have to be in touch about Saturday, but as of now, assume things are still a “go” for swimming!

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Coaches Notes:

BEauty CLean & Jerk complex for you guys paired up with some muscle up practice.  The sub is just dips since you guys did pull ups on Thursday.  Just so you know.  WOD is another grinder.  All this prep is going to set you up well for the Open.  Make sure if you’re feeling beat up to dial it back a little.  Sometimes that can be done by going lighter, and other times by going heavier (and getting less rounds).


Every Minute for 10 Minutes:
ODD Minutes:
Clean + Front Squat + Thruster + Jerk @70% of your Clean 1RM
EVEN Minutes:
2 Muscle ups (sub 2-4 dips)

Conditioning – “Holy shirts and pants”

4 Rounds For Time:
12 Deadlifts (155/115)
12 Air Squats
8 Hang Power Cleans (155/115)
8 Ring Rows
4 Thrusters (155/115)
4 Slam Balls (40+/30)