CrossFit Sudbury – Training – 30032015

Hey Folks!

Awesome weekend!  You guys were amazing this weekend with 15.5 – it was a well programmed WOD and it was TOUGH but you guys showed wicked amounts of heart and guts.  Super inspiring and fun to watch!

Performance Enhancement is on this Monday morning 5:30am, and Tuesday night from 6-7pm!  Kristin is going to assess and improve your hurdle step – meaning better everything involving your legs.  It’s a sneaky way to test coordination and balance, which believe it or not is pretty important for everything from oly lifting to a simple box jump.

We’re going to be closed on Friday and Sunday this coming weekend (it’s Easter!) but we’ll be open Saturday and Monday for normal hours.  And I’ll make sure to program a doozy for Saturday to help work off some of those chocolate calories 😉

Today is the last day to submit your Open and Challenge scores – make sure you get them in!  We’re planning on putting together a big team WOD as the final event for our intramurals!  Let us know if the weekend after easter works for at least almost all of you hahah, your team will be relying on numbers, I’ll tell you that much 🙂

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Warmy Warm up
10 Ring rows, 10 Push up plus, 10 spiderman Lunges, 10 toes touches, Shoulder mobility if you need it.


Health – Back Squat & Kettlebell Swings
Back Squat 2×5
*Try to add more weight to last weeks lifts

Russian Kettlebell Swings 2×15
* to eye level (not overhead) with as heavy as you can perfectly perform all 15 reps


Violent Hip Extension EMOM
Every 30 seconds for 10 Minutes:
ODD Intervals:
1 Wall Ball to as high as you can possibly get it (20/14)
*Drive through those heels all the way up through the top of the squat HARD

EVEN Intervals:
1 Slam ball throw over/behind you as high/far as you can get it (without destroying stuff in the gym) (Grab the heaviest Slam ball available)

Probably a good idea to split big groups up so half are doing the ball toss while others are doing the wall ball.


High quality Metcon
3 Rounds for time:
10 Lateral Slam Balls
10 Hand Release Push ups
10 Box Jumps (30/24)*
30 Double Unders
*Step down, don’t jump down – to save your Achilles tendon ?


General Cool Down
Foam Roll – Quads, IT bands, Adductors, T-Spine
Stretch – Calves, Forearms, Hamstrings
See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team