Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Hey Folks!

Great work OnRamp Folks!  Nice to see so many of you out for your second WOD, despite the sore legs!  They’ll loosen up a bit now, and you’ll be sore in different areas.  Let me know if anything seems too intense or too sore.  Some is good, TOO much is not as good.

Great work too our members who crushed the two little couplets!  Lots of rounds completed (~10 per person) meaning you completed 120 reps in 6 minutes of work, which is pretty awesome.

Normal hours Sat & Sun 10am-12noon
Monday – Closed

ONRAMP will be on the Tuesday instead of Monday (it’s Victoria day! Go have a gluten free beer and set off some fireworks – Eric might not like that idea, haha)

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 dislocates, 10 squats, T-spine stretch, 5 good mornings

E1M-10 (Every minute for 10 minutes):
2 Deadlifts @ 65%

10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Pull ups
10 burpees
15 wall balls

Stretch – Lats/Rhomboids & Quads
Foam Roll – T-spine, Hamstrings

See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team