BE CrossFit.

Hey Folks!

It’s been a while since I’ve written, but I’ve had the itch on a number of topics for quite some time now.  This one is at the forefront as the more I encounter the “modern” versions of “CrossFit” the more I recognize all the changes that have occurred over the years.

I started following the CrossFit method of training in early 2009.  That is still fairly far along in the life of CrossFit, considering it started in 2001.  The Certifications involved spending the weekend with a group of coaches performing workouts and speaking on the philosophy, technique and execution of the CrossFit method.  I did my cert in October of 2009.  The certification was taught by a smattering of the original coaches who were located in the northeast United States (Jon Gilson, Pat Sherwood, EC Syncowski, and other New Englanders).  There was no test, and there were no marks given.  We drilled the movements and learned the philosophy.  We worked out.  I met box owners, other future box owners, enthusiastic athletes and personal trainers, firefighters, retired Folks and everyone in between.  Later on (about a year) when the test was offered I attended, wrote and passed the test.  I am glad a test was implemented.

Jon Gilson & Pat Sherwood
Jon Gilson & Pat Sherwood

All that is to provide a little of my background before I move forward on this topic.  I devoured information after the cert.  Being in the clinical portion of my degrees, the information was less intense and more practice at that point, which freed up time to read books, blogs, lectures, seminars, movies, and any other educational or informational matter I could find.  I don’t think this is unlike most passionate students.  I read info from Barry Sears, Loren Cordain, Staffan Lindeberg, Robb Wolf, Jeffrey Bland, Robert Rakowski, Mark Rippetoe, Dave Tate, Greg Everett, Mike Burgener, Greg Glassman, James Chestnut, Erwan LeCorre, Gary Taubes, Robert Sapolsky, Michael Pollan and many many others.  When I found an author I liked, I read everything I could find from them.  I compared it to what else I had learned and implemented what I could.


This is CrossFit.

CrossFit is about taking what works and leaving behind what doesn’t.  CrossFit is about reaching for greatness.  It’s about finding the best way to reach greatness, and then working toward it.  While at first there were articles and examples given that would differentiate CrossFit from the standard “Globo Gym”, the writing is light-hearted and fun, and usually stayed on the positive side.

When I started doing CrossFit you could walk into any CrossFit gym and get what might be a slightly different approach, but the same sentiment – Thanks for stopping in, it’s great to have you here, we are a group of your new friends, now let’s have some fun.  Some gyms tap knuckles, others high five.  Some gyms drop kettlebells, others don’t.  Some gyms are small, others are “massive”.  All are filled with smiles, All are welcoming and All wanted to meet and help out their fellow CrossFitter.

THAT is CrossFit.

Nowadays, between gyms falsely (and illegally) advertising CrossFit, mimicking what they imagine it is from watching a youtube video or two, and those CrossFit gyms who manage to sneak through the application process while actually being run much like a corporation (in the metaphorical sense, not the literal sense), in some cases the meaning and feeling of CrossFit has become confusing to the general public.  The upside is I don’t have to introduce the word to peoples vocabulary, the downside is what is now, already associated with that word.

I encourage my members to visit gyms when they’re away from “home” to say hi and share my name and contact.  Majorities of the time they’re greeted much the way Folks are greeted when they come to my gym, with smiles, coaching tips and high fives.  The odd time, they aren’t greeted that way.  They’re ignored, treated rudely or asked not to come by.  This is mind blowing.

This IS. NOT. CrossFit.

I find it concerning and heart breaking that there’s a possibility that new CrossFit athletes might not receive the same experience I had when I started CrossFit.  I completed many of my first workouts surrounded by friendly strangers, who cheered me through what are retrospectively dismal performances, treated me like a champion and have since become lifelong friends.  I don’t want anyone NOT to have that experience.

So don’t believe that the gym you’re attending is a CrossFit gym unless it says “CrossFit” (capital C, Capital F) in the name.  Talk to the coaches about your questions or concerns.  Worst case scenario – just show up, we’ll be happy to have you in the gym!  You may feel beat up, tired and out of breath, but you should feel welcome, and (hopefully) encouraged to come back by the other people who suffered through the workout with you, and by those who thrust the workout upon you.

CrossFit will challenge you to give your best and be your best.  CrossFit will provide the atmosphere and group of teammates to help you along the way.  CrossFit will provide the coaching you need to do it safely and effectively.  CrossFit wants You to be the best You there is

So… BE CrossFit.


Dr. Adam Ball

CrossFit Sudbury

One response to “BE CrossFit.”

  1. Nicely put.

    We’re all so happy that you’ve come into, and brought together, our community. We’re lucky to have you 🙂