Tag: CrossFit Sudbury

  • “It has begun!”

    This might reveal how big a geek I am, but I might be ok if instead of 3, 2, 1, go at the beginning of WODs Shang-tsung from Mortal Kombat started them off with his awesome, “it has begun!”……… something like that. Anyway… CrossFit Suds first OnRamp started yesterday and went amazingly!  So stoked to…

  • CrossFit Sudbury’s Inaugural OnRamp!

    Hey Folks! So I’m done waiting.  We have enough of the equipment to run some wods and the foundational movements of CrossFit are ready to be taught here in Sudbury.  So… We’re running an OnRamp starting Wednesday October 19th and running Monday-Wednesday-Friday for 6 sessions, which is when we get the building (although outdoor wods…

  • Online Scheduling… Outdoor WODS and OnRamp

    Hey Folks! So I’ve just hooked up with an online scheduling company and they weren’t lying when they said it’d take a couple weeks to figure out how to use their software.  I’m antsy as heck to get the gym started and I really just want to start training folks – but I wont’ have…

  • CrossFit – What it is and some definitions

    SO… You’ve never heard of CrossFit before and you’re interested to know what it is all about?  Here are some answers to common questions and explanations of things that might not make much sense to folks who are just getting started into their new favourite hobby! CrossFit is… Constantly varied, functional movements performed at high…

  • New Equipment coming, pre-scheduling, and a great vid…

    Hey Folks! So I don’t have a lot to report at the moment, other than I’ve got a couple of rowers and a load of Kettlebells coming in next week!  Sweet!  Now we just need the building, and a bunch of other stuff… but we’re starting to amass some awesome equipment. Over the next month…

  • CrossFit Where???

    Hey Folks! So we are in the process of renovating and doing a small build-out on the location where the gym is going to be. Once it’s fit for working out in, I will be posting the schedule that people can use to come in and try out a WOD (Workout of the Day). For…