CrossFit Sudbury – 20092018 – “Because he dodges bullets, Avi”

Hey Folks!

Great work today – the Squats all looked fantastic, and the WOD looked fun.  Overhead squats looked pretty solid too on everyone today.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Continue being awesome… you guys are killing lately and it makes us all really happy (coaches, clinicians, fellow members, etc.)
  • Keep chipping away at those goals!  Check out Tara’s videos of folks getting legit push ups yesterday, of Danielle cranking out handstand push ups, John S holding a solid handstand, folks stringing double unders together, etc. etc. (sorry if I missed your accolade! – Write it on the whiteboard!)  It shows that consistency, hard work, and having fun at the gym will pay off 🙂
  • Take your fish oil.  We have more in stock now.  I’d suggest picking up the Omega+D as we’re heading into some shorter days (which means less endogenous vitamin D synthesis [your bodies own])
  • Get your sleep. 7-9 hours a night.  It’s one of the most anabolic (read: better recovery) things you can do, and it’s “free” (Queue Dumb & Dumber quote: “We don’t have enough money, to sleep!”

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2zhsc2′]

Coaches Notes:

Get in a good, general warm up, and then get after some weaknesses.  Maybe pair up with a friend so you can share a barbell/rings/whatever you want to practice 🙂

Work on your weaknesses! – “Because he dodges bullets, Avi”

EMOM 21 minutes
1- weakness Gymnastics
2- cardio, 15/12 cals of athletes choice (do whatever, so long as you don’t need to think)
3- weakness Weightlifting

Movements for weakness

HSPU (strict, deficit, kipping)
Pistols (to box/ball, on box, assisted with bands)
HS hold/Walk

Thrusters (heavy or light)
Jerks (split or push)