CrossFit Sudbury – 18092018 – Why are we so awesome?

Hey Folks!

Holy complete decimation yesterday.  The (potentially) last hot day of the year and we had a pretty epically sweaty WOD.  Good work to all the folks that took that one on.

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Coaches Notes:

Muscle up work!  If your hands and lats are destroyed from Monday – consider making this a ring dip day for the gymnastics work, forgoing the pull ups and muscle ups.  There won’t likely be anyone doing triple unders, but it’s worth a shot if you’re close, on your first couple skips of each round.  If that’s something of interest for you.  If you don’t have any rest between rounds (less than 10 seconds), then you need to scale the reps.  🙂

Gymnastics work:

5 sets
1-2 strict pull ups
1-4 muscles ups
1-6 strict ring dips

Scale reps and movements as is necessary

Conditioning – “Why are we so awesome?”

EMOM 20 min
odd: 10-20 Triple unders or 40-50 Double Unders
even: 9 Clapping push ups + 5 Hang power clean @65-70%

Score your best rounds total rest (of the Even and Odd rounds)