CrossFit Sudbury – 14092018 – Chew your gum!

Hey Folks!

Good times with todays Partner WOD – you guys crushed it.  Tomorrow is Friday and you know what that means.  It means it’s the best day ever again.  You guys are kicking some serious ass lately and it’s super fun to watch.  If you feel like there is anything specific you’d like to work on personally, make sure you let your coach know and we’ll hook you up 😉

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2h57gq’]

Coaches Notes:

Control those back squats on the way down and then DRIVE up as hard as you can.  Almost like you’re going to jump off the ground.  The WOD is more sprinting.  Be careful on those first box jumps after getting off the bike.  Over jump the box if you need to, but make sure you lift those feet up.  Flatten the low back on those deadlifts or face the potential reality of pooping into a colostomy bag moving forward.  Yes, you may have gotten away with it in the past, but it only takes 1 time to regret being 3 seconds faster in a workout at your local CrossFit gym.  I promise you, your performance will somehow skyrocket in the future if you can implement that change (you guys are all pretty much amazing, but every once in a while we all consider sacrificing our form a little to go faster…).  Just ask Annie Thorisdottir (She took a year off after injuring her back, back in the day.  Now she’s back in the top 5 in the world, with GOOD form).


Back Squat for load:
1 Back Squat @80+%

Conditioning – “Chew your gum!”

4 Rounds for time:
15/12 calorie bike (18/14 Cal Row, or 300m Run)
15 box jumps (24/20)
5 deadlifts (275/185)
Rest 30 Seconds between rounds