CrossFit Sudbury – 11092018 – “You’re about to find out!”

Hey Folks!

So I didn’t post to the blog yesterday… My bad.  It was an unorthodox weekend, so I didn’t realize until I was in bed, and then I thought, “oh they’ll all see it on SugarWOD anyway”.  So hopefully you found it, if you were looking for it.

Here’s an awesome video explaining how the bar should contact the hips in the Snatch.

[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2ayih8′]

Coaches Notes:

Touch and Go Power Snatches!  Try not to leave the hips WAY up high, even though they’ll have a tendency to want to stay there when you lower the bar to the ground.  Think Hips down, chest up, finish through the legs and THEN lift the feet.  The WOD is a bit of a sprint and there isn’t too much too it.  If you have time and desire, hit up some of the extra stuff afterwards 🙂


3 power snatch @ heavy but Touch and Go

Conditioning – “You’re about to find out”

5 Rounds for time:
8 Push Press @70-80%
8 Chest to bar Pull ups
rest 1 minute between rounds