CrossFit Sudbury – 07092018 – Hans Gruber

Hey Folks!

It’s Friday!  Yesssss.  I’ve seen a good bunch of people through to get their BIA, but I still have room in case folks want to get tested before they make all their fall “new year” changes.  The real value comes in being able to see where you are, and what kind of changes happen with your changes in diet and lifestyle.  As I continue to learn more and more – it’s a pretty damn valuable tool as far as measuring your health as well as your body composition.

Caption for the pic:  The face you make when you find out Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time…

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-29gxgp’]

Coaches Notes:

Shoulder presses.  Gotta build up those delts!  the WOD is bound to be a spicy one again!  Lots of triplets this week.  This one has some serious rest involved in it – so ATTACK the entire thing for the full 5 minutes.


Shoulder Press for load:
6 sets of 4

Conditioning – “Hans Gruber”

3 x 5 minutes AMRAP:
12/8 cal row
DB thrusters 6/arm (50/35)
30 double unders

Rest 3 minutes between amraps
*Pick up where you left off