CrossFit Sudbury – 05092018 – Chick-Chicky-Boom

Hey Folks!

I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I wanted to give a big shout-out and thank you to all our teachers.  We occasionally dig at you guys for getting the summer off, but ultimately we all (at least we all should) very much appreciate the hard work you guys put in to help shape the future generations.  Us coaches have a hard enough time keeping a 10 person class on track sometimes, I can only imagine trying to teach 30 kids some sort of advanced concept.  So thanks!

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1ujlbm’]

Coaches Notes:

HEAVY back squats.  These will require some serious rest between sets.  If 80% is a little aggressive – dial it back a little bit.  On the WOD – be mindful of not being saggy on your push ups.  The toes to bar will tax the core and the grip – break things up to keep moving, but don’t be that person with a london-bridge-is-falling-down style of push up.


Back Squats
3 x 8 @80%

Conditioning – “Chick-Chicky-Boom”

Amrap 15 minutes
15 toes to bar
25/18 calorie row
15 push ups