CrossFit Sudbury – 04092018 – Do you have a dorsal fin?!

Hey Folks!

So… how ’bout them shoulders?  It was BUSY today in the gym, in the best way ever.  Hope you all had a blast, one of the last super sweaty days, I think.  We’ll see though.  Maybe it’ll be one of those crazy fall’s where it’s 25 degrees until December and then all of a sudden it’s -40.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1twnpb’]

Coaches Notes:

We’re looking for Range of Motion in the strength today.  So even if you’re going off your knees off a box, try the deficit out.  Remember the tripod position with your head (try going into a free standing head stand [on an abmat] if you’re curious how the tripod position works).  On the WOD – cleans can be any style (I suggest power), and the burpees are fun.  Instead of having a spot where your hands go to on the floor, mark a spot (visually, please – the breaks between stall mats help) for where your FEET will land when you’re coming up out of the burpee – then you’ll know the pull up bar is directly above you.


Strict Deficit HSPU
6 x 6

*Even/especially if it means doing them off a box.

Conditioning – “Do you have a dorsal fin?!”

3 rounds for time:
20 burpee pull ups
20 cleans (155/105)