CrossFit Sudbury – 31082018 – That’s a Spicy Meat-a-ball!

Hey Folks!

Great work today on the awesome Team WOD – I had to get it in when I could, which meant doing it solo, but I did PR, so that’s good news 🙂

Labour day weekend coming up!  We’re open just 10am-12noon on Monday, and then back to normal hours after that!  Normal hours on Saturday and Sunday.

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Coaches Notes:

Some heavy squats for you, followed by a nice lung burner.  Heavy jerks in the WOD, so make sure you’re ready to bear the weight and make it through the whole 5 reps before you drop the barbell.


Back Squat
4 x 5 @80%

Conditioning – “That’s a Spicy Meat-a-Ball!”

12 minutes AMRAP:
15 deadlifts (185/135)
400m run
5 jerks (185/135)