CrossFit Sudbury – 29082018 – “of giants”

Hey Folks!

Boom – that was a fun one and a half!  The deadlifts and box jumps looks awkward in set #1 and totally comfortable in set #5 – pretty cool.  Prepare to be sore in all sorts of weird places haha.  If you were significantly weaker in certain places – that’s a nice little alarm bell going off to work on it, or get it checked out by one of our coaches or therapists 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2ij59y’]

Coaches Notes:

Chest to bar practice!  Yesssss.  if you aren’t doing weighted chest to bar, do normal ones.  If you aren’t doing normal ones, you’ll head back to whichever is the most challenging strict pullup version you are currently working on.  The WOD has no secrets.  Try not to break things up, but break them up if you need to.

Gymnastics Strength:

Weighted strict C2B
5 x 3

Conditioning – “of giants”:

5 rounds for time
20 Wallballs (30/20)
50 double unders
10 Chest to bar pull ups