CrossFit Sudbury – 27082018 – 7 Layer Dip

Hey Folks!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Thanks to everyone who came out to camp, despite the rain we were able to play some solid bocce and frisbeer and have all sorts of fun 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2teb28′]

Coaches Notes:

Ensure you aren’t being lazy on your low hang position, the low back needs to be tight, and the chest UP.  It’ll require you bending your knees once you’re past them, which is really good practice for the pull off the floor.  On the WOD, set your pace and get after it!


5 sets
2 low hang power cleans
2 split jerks
*Use @65-70%

Conditioning – “7 Layer Dip”

Amrap 15 minutes
15 cal row
15 thrusters (95/65)
200m run
15 Lateral burpee over bar

*Count every 10m as a “rep” if you finish in the middle of the run or after it.