CrossFit Sudbury – 17082018 – Grain-Fed

Hey Folks!

Friday!  We made it through another week.  SO easy, right?  You guys are starting to see a small smattering of the full versions of the olympic lifts, which is nice.  They might feel a little “off” at first, but that’s normal (like swinging a baseball bat again for the first time).  the added strength we’ve been adding to the posterior chain and the positional work is going to set you guys up for success.

Make sure you’re addressing tight spots in your body, getting good sleep, taking your fish oil.  I read an awesome statement that was worth re-learning the other day.  If you’re always “tight” in the same areas, and you need to stretch them every time before you workout… those areas aren’t “tight”.  You probably like neuromuscular control and/or aren’t well integrated between your neurological and muscular systems.  That’s where Chiro/Physio/Massage can help.  If you feel like that is you, talk to us – we’ll get you sorted out!  That’s the value of having coaches who are, or who work very closely with healthcare practitioners.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2j8fr1′]

Coaches Notes:

Increasing strength again.  65% should be reasonable and nice to squat.  Nothing crazy about it – take your time and ensure beautiful form, control down into the squat and speed on the way up out of the squat.  The workout is a nice little set up.  A high enough box to make you pause and set a pace versus blazing through it, and a load on the deadlifts that will make you plan out some sets.


Back Squats
5×5 @65%

Conditioning – “Grass-Fed”

30-20-10 for time of:
Box jumps (30/24)
Deadlift (275/185)