CrossFit Sudbury – 30072018 – “Never ending Barrels”

Hey Folks!

Great weekend AGAIN.  This has been a pretty epic summer, no doubt there.  If you work for the MNR, thanks (Allison, Sara, Laura, other folks too) for keeping the fire away from as much important stuff as you can!

We’re into our de-load week, so volume is slightly lower.  If you feel like you need to add a bunch of extra stuff in, GOOD, but DON’T.  Take this week to feel good, recharge, mobilize, etc.  But remember, it’s giving you a chance to get your ducks in a row for the next micro-cycle.

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Coaches Notes:

Some gymnastics strength work, followed by a little Surfer on Acid derivative. Aim for ~40 seconds of rest each round – so alter the distance and/or number of burpees as is necessary to achieve that goal.


10 Minute Alternating EMOM:
Odd Minutes – 3-5 Paused strict pull ups (2 seconds at top, 2 seconds at the bottom)
Even Minutes – Half kneeling one arm press 6/side (added challenge, bottom up KB)

Conditioning – “Never ending Barrels”

E2MOM for 16 minutes
run 200m
10-15 burpees