CrossFit Sudbury – 27072018 – “No fighting!”

Hey Folks!

Boom – Friday all over this place.  We’ve got another glorious weekend approaching and some more awesome training.  We’re heading into a de-load week, so volume will likely be a little lighter but that doesn’t mean intensity needs to suffer.

If you haven’t yet – get your games sheet and picks in to Lisa so we can figure out which athletes we all have.  The folks with the winning male and females win, of course.  It’s always nice to make things a little more interesting that way.

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Coaches Notes:

What volume!?  The goal here is to tire the hips out before the power snatches, so yes, we know that’s what’s happening.  You’re going to love it though!  If it’s super humid and your sweaty, it might be worth considering grips for the snatches, or just doing singles (hell, we’re all likely to do singles anyway).  Set a steady pace to get through them versus blowing your brains out.  This should be a steady burn the whole time.

Conditioning – “No Fighting!”

EMOM 20 minutes (alternating minutes)
odd- 8-10 KBS + 8-10 Box jumps
even- 8 Power snatch @ 135/95/~60%

*You should have some rest after the Snatches – scale the weight as is necessary.