CrossFit Sudbury – 26072018 – The Ghost

Hey Folks!

Looks like lots more heat and sweat (and maybe rain) in our future.  Along with some beauty WODs and some great people – it’s going to be a good week.

The new fans definitely make a difference, even when they’re only on quietly – Thank goodness.  They’ll be crucial in the new place.  It feels like forever, but a few more months and we’ll be reminiscing about the “old place… but not the old, old place”.  Which will be interesting for sure.

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Coaches Notes:

This should be a fun lung burner.  It won’t be an easy one, and it isn’t meant to be gamed (i.e. taking it easy on the burpees so you can crush the dubs).  Work hard at each thing, give yourself some transition time, and enjoy the rest!

Conditioning – “The Ghost”

6 rounds of:
1 minute of rowing
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute rest

Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double-under reps completed to your notes.