CrossFit Sudbury – 25072018 – Little Foots mom was a hero

Hey Folks!

Holy humidity!  Those fans came in handy today and I still sweat all over the place.  You guys have been crushing stuff lately and it’s super impressive.

Reminder to pick up a games pool sheet and get those pics in by this sunday please! 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-32db3j’]

Coaches Notes:

Some heavy step ups to get those glutes warm for lots of lunging in the WOD!  Yesss.  If you find yourself bringing your other leg up quickly and then squatting the weight up – the weight is too heavy.  These won’t be easy, so find an appropriate weight to use 🙂  On the WOD, make sure you’re doing legit push ups – you’re only cheating yourself by letting your torso sag or leaving your hips high.  Thighs and chest should be touching the ground, and your elbows should be locking out.  Same deal on the lunges, make sure you aren’t duck walking.  Grip will be fresh for the TTB, but your core will be a little tired from the push ups.  Keep that in mind.


Step ups
4 x 3/leg @ heavy
Upper leg @ ~90 degrees
Do all 3 reps on one leg before switching to the other leg.

Conditioning – “Little Foots mom was a hero”

5 rounds for time:
50′ walking lunges
20 push up
15 Toes to bar