CrossFit Sudbury – 24072018 – “If you’re going to spew…”

Hey Folks!

Boom – Monday hitting ya hard (in a “friend that hasn’t seen you in a while” kind of way) – Hope you guys had some fun on those short sprints.  A little bit of a change up coming up today, though still some solid “classic” CrossFit style WODs.

Games are approaching soon!  Get your games picks sheet from a Lisa for a chance to win!  (goal is we get 20 people in – then whoever picks the top male and female athletes wins!)

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1yk9l8′]

Coaches Notes:

Dip/mobility work!  Sure you can dip down and bounce out of that position, but can you hang out, hold it, and press back out under control?  New game.  This should be a fun workout.  Good combo of legs and arms.  Set a solid pace and work to maintain it the whole time.


Ring Dips
6 x 3-6
Pause 2 seconds on top and 2 seconds in the bottom of the dip

Conditioning – “If you’re going to spew…”

4 rounds for time:
50′ HS walk OR 3 wall climbs
10 thrusters 115/75
400m run