CrossFit Sudbury – 23072018 – “Wait a Minute…”

Hey Folks!

AS of now (3:32pm Sunday) it rained for a total of 45 seconds.  I hope that wasn’t the “rain” they were calling for.  Poor Northern Ontario is burning up!

Congrats to the awesome folks that competed as a team at the Catalyst Games this year (Mo, Melissa, Jessie, Doug) – Looks like you guys had a blast and kicked some butt!

There were all sorts of folks out racing (Katie, Lea, Megan, Mel, probably others I’m missing too – sorry!) Hope you all had a blast and felt like some of that fitness you’ve been building up has paid off!

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-31nl61′]

Coaches Notes:

Touch and Go Power cleans!  You guys should be checking in at the him before you tap down on the floor – that way you can properly load up your low back and hips so as to set yourself up for success.  The straight down to the floor technique is meant for lighter loads and games athletes who are willing to sacrifice form (AKA health) for less seconds on the clock (which matters when your paycheque depends on it).  The WOD will be a beauty.  Use a weight that you can get all 12 Front Squats unbroken each time with, 5 minutes isn’t long, so we don’t need you guys wasting time thinking about picking up the bar – we just want to pick it up 🙂


Touch and Go Power Clean for load:

Conditioning – “Wait a Minute…”

2 x 5 minutes AMRAP:
12 front squats @ 115/75
12 bar facing burpees

Rest 3 minutes between amraps
Pick up where you left off