CrossFit Sudbury – 20072018 – “Everyone has a plan until…”

Hey Folks!

Another week has come and gone.  HUGE congratulations to Mandie & Andre, who are getting married this Saturday! 🙂 We’re excited for you guys and proud to be your friends!

Should be another hot weekend/week – get your rest (in a hammock preferably), good sleep, and some hydration going.  Overheating is no fun.

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Coaches Notes:

Just in case your legs were starting to feel good again… We’ve got some 20 rep back squats for ya!  Take it how you need to take it.  It’s meant to be heavy for the day, though not necessarily a max out/PR.  The WOD should be similar, though faster than Wednesday’s WOD.  SLightly heavier bar means you might need to break up the cleans.  But plan to break them up as little as possible.  This should be a “sprint”.


Back Squat for load:
*Heavy.  Add weight on the second set if you feel up to it.

Conditioning – “Everyone has a plan until…”

21-15-9 For time of:
Hang power cleans (155/105)
400m run