CrossFit Sudbury – 18072018 – “This is Easy!”

Hey Folks!

Well that looked like a fun one!  Despite the sore legs folks were able to get after it with some gusto.  Super inspiring!

Alright folks – it’s the thick of summer.  That means it’s the thick of patio beers, nachos, late night ice cream (and mid-day?) runs, etc. etc.  It seems pretty universal that the time we have our shirts off the most is also the time when we want to indulge the most (the long days help with that too).  I’m not about to tell you to stop.  I’m just going to ask that you be smart about it.  when you’ve got indulgences approaching, make sure to hit a workout that day or the day before and DIAL in that nutrition for the day(s) leading up to it.  Then the indulgence will serve you instead of making you feel bloated and bogged down.  Another great practice – plan the next meal(s) after your indulgence.  Then you know it’s just temporary, and not a “swan dive off the wagon”.

I also want to give out a shout out to our coaching Staff (Lisa, Mandie, Tara, Todd, Sara, Kristin) for stepping up while Steph & Monty enter life with an infant, and help Me (and Kristin) out while we sort out renos and plans for the new place.  It hasn’t gone unnoticed and you guys help us make the gym what it is – The funnest place on earth! (next to disney I guess).

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Coaches Notes:

We’re doing a 3 rep max Press today.  Depending on where you are – you may not PR, but you might!  haha, just get after a heavy 3 rep press – keep those abs on, butt squeezed and don’t quit.  The runs are meant as some arm recovery (as well as being runs).  You can scale the reps on the HSPU if you feel like it’ll provide you with a better workout (meaning not a TONNE of time spent looking at the wall).  You could also sub in some DB push presses after you’re tapped out on HSPUs.  Don’t forget to admire the beauty bicep pump the DB HPC’s will provide 😉


Shoulder Press for load:

Conditioning – “This is Easy”

3 rounds for time
run 800m
18 HSPU (kipping)
20 One-Arm DB hang clean (switch at 10) @ 50/35