CrossFit Sudbury – 17072018 – Cuz I rhyme tight

Hey Folks!

Great work today in the heat – I get the feeling some legs are going to be sore.  Mine at least.  We’re supposed to have some more reasonable heat, but still some solid weather, it looks like, going forward – yessss.

So, some things to keep in mind when booking your Body Composition test:

Except instead of just the right side, we’re doing both sides (to get data on right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, each side of the torso, etc.)

You’d also want to ensure your day was “typical” leading up to your test.  Ideally, you’d also go to the bathroom before it too.

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Coaches Notes:

MORE split squats.  You’ll likely be sore today – but these should help to loosen things up for you.  Don’t stress about not being able to go mega heavy.  The WOD should be a nice, different kind of burn.  22 pull ups is no joke for each round – so throw those grips on and have some fun with it.  Break it up into sets as is necessary.


5 sets of 8 per leg:
Use DBs or KBs – go as heavy as you can. Consider elevating your front foot on a plate.

Conditioning – “Cuz I rhyme tight”

AMRAP 11 minutes:
22 pull-ups
11 deadlift (225/155)
22 burpees