CrossFit Sudbury – 16052018 – “Captain Caveman”

Hey Folks!

Wow – that was a doozy.  Felt like a monday today, and it seemed like a monday kind of WOD (not that Monday’s WOD wasn’t).  You guys are just killing it lately – pushing yourselves hard, working on weaknesses, doing some extra mobility/warm up work, and generally being the best people around.  Thanks for that!

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2rcsa2′]

Coaches Notes:

The goal is to press up out of the lunge with some oomph.  So don’t go so heavy that you’re making weird compensations and moving slowly.  Think of it almost as a lunge plyo.  On the WOD, the pushing is going to be a bit of a challenge over time, so make sure you’re driving through the legs on those Wall balls.


Back Rack Forward lunges
4 x 6/leg, alternating @ ~30% of your back Squat 1RM

Conditioning – “Captain Caveman”

12 Minute AMRAP:
Row 15 cals OR Run 200m (or alternate with someone)
15 push ups
15 wallballs 30/20
