CrossFit Sudbury – 28022018 – There’s more motion in the ocean

Hey Folks!

Hump DAY!  February is pretty much complete.  The Accomplishments board is RIDICULOUS with the amount of stuff you guys achieved (me too!) – and I’m stoked to see how it goes over the next month.  If your ultimate goal seems far away, just keep in mind the best way to eat an elephant, is one bite at a time.

We’re closing from 1pm-3pm throughout the week starting Thursday as attendance hasn’t been great during those times, and it’ll give us a little break so we can come at you with the energy at 12 and 3pm-onwards.  I’ve spoken with a few people about it, and if it is cramping your styles/ability to get fit, talk to me/us.  The benefit of not being a big corporation is that we’re flexible and we like to hear from you guys!

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Coaches Notes:

Goal here is to train some solid Front Squats as well as to be feeling good throughout the workout and after it.  Pace yourselves and move with purpose/quality.


Front Squat
5×5 @70%

Conditioning – “There’s more motion in the ocean”

4 rounds not for time:
Row 500
12 Chest to bar pull-ups
Bike 1km
12 DB power clean (lighter than usual)

Score – how recovered/ready you are for 18.2 Make a note of your time, if you want.