CrossFit Sudbury – 27022018 – Wait, What?

Hey Folks!

18.1 in the books!  Hope you all had a blast with it, and your hands are either not doing poorly, or are healing up well.

WE’ve got some great training going this week – and then hopefully another beauty Open WOD.  I liked 18.1 as it gave each of us something to work on, as well as something we could push hard at.  It didn’t load up on any particular movement to make us too sore, and it was in the longer time domain.  So we might not see another LONG Open WOD.  We’ll see what the next 4 weeks bring!

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2pzhg4′]

Coaches Notes:

For the Strength work – hold a DB between your thighs/ankles for the weighted part and then drop it for the kipping dips.  You could Scale this by doing them strict then adding a band, or using a tiny band and then adding a second band.  The WOD isn’t max effort, but it should be a high effort.  If Double Unders tend to wreck your calves, sub them out for something else (slam balls, perhaps).

Gymnastics Power/Strength:

Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds:
2 weighted strict Dips + 5 Kipping Dips

Conditioning – “Wait, What?”

3 minutes AMRAP:
10 Kettlebell Swings (50/35, Russian)
30 Double Unders

rest 1 minute

3 minutes AMRAP:
10 Wall Ball (20/14)
10 Burpees

rest 1 minute
—————–2 Rounds—————–
then after the last minute of rest…

1 Minute AMRAP: