CrossFit Sudbury – 23022018 – Open WOD 18.1 -or- Open Alternate

Hey Folks!

Hope you guys have had a blast this week training – we now know the Open WOD…

Some changes that we’re going to implement as a result of the Survey we recently put out, so that we can better serve everyone.  We’re going to be eliminating the Open Gym hours from 1pm-3pm.  They’re sparsely attended, and without them, our coaches will be more energized and engaged, and the 12pm class and 3pm Open gym time will be even more well attended (and it’s always more fun to workout in a bigger group).  If this is going to be a problem for anyone – please don’t hesitate to let me or Kristin know in person, through email, via carrier pigeon, whatever works 🙂  We’re doing this with the goal being to improve the quality of service we’re providing as well as to improve the awesome vibes you guys all experience every time you’re in.  For those who are in the noon class that want to stick around to stretch/linger, someone will still be here to accommodate those needs.

Coaches Notes:

18.1 is going to be grip intensive!  FInd your pace and stick to it.  You may want to break up the toes to bar – otherwise try to keep moving.  You’re going to wantt o break between arms on the clean and presses, but the other arm will be FRESH(ish) by the time you get to it.  Make sure you’re using your hips/legs as much as you can on the rower, and making an effort to relax your hands on the handle to save your grip for the toes to bar.  Not wasting time on the transitions will help as well.  I’ll try to post more info after Sara and I throw down tomorrow!

Game Day – 18.1

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes to bar
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
14 / 12-cal. row



Front Squat:
5×3 @50%

Conditioning – “Open WOD 18.1 alternate”

21-15-9 for time of:
Pull up
Overhead Squat (95/65)
Push Ups