CrossFit Sudbury – 17032017 – St. Patricks Day 2017!

Hey Friends!

17.4 has come out!  and it is….. a repeat of the deadlift/wall ball/row/HSPU WOD.  That’s my guess.  I get the feeling it won’t be right, but that’s ok – it’ll still be fun.  Be nice if it wasn’t some crazy rep scheme this time.  I feel like I need Matt Damon to come decipher the WOD after Castro announces it.  Jeepers.

Great work everyone on the last two couplets – they were some nice combos.  Pretty much thruster and power clean WODs, respectively.  Looks like warmer weather is starting up soon!  Get on that true form each chance you get to pump out 400m and the runs outside in the spring will feel easier.  For serious.  It’s also a good chance to iron out some technique work.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-27bivi’]

Coaches Notes:

SLOW back squats (on the way down at least) are great for your connective tissue.  Meant to be “light”, so if 60% is too much and you feel like you’re riding the struggle bus, dial it back and enjoy yourself.  It’s meant to be restorative.  Strict toes to bar are for skill work.  They should be strict, and if you CAN, try to slow down the descent (from the bar back down to straight).  It’ll help strengthen that last 6-8 inches of the movement and make you better at life.  St. Patty’s day WOD looks like a doozy.  If you are doing the Open WOD on saturday, skip it, or maybe make it a partner WOD (to break the work up in half with a pal).  It looks fun though!


Every Minute for 10 Minutes:
ODD Minutes – Perform 3 Squats*
*3 seconds down, explode up
EVEN minutes – 4-6 strict toes to bar

Metcon – St. Patrick’s Day 2017!

17 Minute AMRAP:
17 Calorie Row
17 Push Press (95/65)
17 Pull ups
17 Walking lunges
17 Push ups