CrossFit Sudbury – 16032017 – Ce te plit… Bleu!

Hey Friends!

Another week is flying by (March break too), I’m hoping today was the last super cold day.  It makes it hard to take a baby and dog out for an epic walk.  Maybe it’s lame, but I worry about the little dudes giant cheeks.

FYI, Survivor is BACK (as of last week) and it’s gonna be a good one.  You know you want to watch it.  Get an antenna and you can tune into HD global for free 🙂

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Coaches Notes:

Jerk practice!  Stay back, bar on your throat, with the bar resting on your shoulders (not on your wrists), keep a vertical torso on your dip, then jump and land.  Good times.  The WOD should be a power clean WOD.  break up the powercleans as part of your plan, and then, no rest, get the wall balls done unbroken and right back to your first set of power cleans, then rest.  So you’ll be resting between sets of power cleans, since you’ll need to break the work up there anyway (probably).

Strength work:

Every Minute for 10 Minutes perform:
1 Jerk @ ~75% of your 1RM

Metcon – Ce te plit… Bleu!

For time complete the following:
21-15-9 of:
Power Clean (135/93)
Wall Ball (20/15)