CrossFit Sudbury – 10032017 – Swingin’ with Lance

Hey Friends!

Friday!  Open WOD 17.3 has been released, and it is… Double unders and pistols (or maybe wall ball).  That’s my guess at least.

Looks like we might be into our last cold week of the year (hopefully).  I’m looking forward to spring, and everything coming back to life again.  Spring means the end of the Open, flowers, birds, bugs and all sorts of other fresh beginnings 🙂

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Coaches Notes:

Some good upper body work today (it’s friday… gotta get a good chest pump).  The ring rows will probably actually be the more difficult part of the strength portion.  On the WOD, the swings and sit ups should take enough time that you can share an airdyne with a friend.  Get the Airdyne done as quickly as you can.  It’s painful anyway so you might as well get it down quickly.  Then you can “rest” while doing your swings and sit ups 😉


Every Minute for 10 Minutes:
ODD Minutes – 5 Bench Press @65%
EVEN Minutes – 3 ring rows lasting 30 second total (i.e. they are slow, or involve a pause at the top/along the way but not at the bottom).

Pair up with a friend to share benches/rings.

Metcon – “Swingin’ with Lance”

2 Rounds for time:
50/40 Cal Airdyne
50 Kettlebell swings (50/35)
50 Sit ups