CrossFit Sudbury – 09032017 – Lil mini Cindy on a boat!

Hey Friends!

Another Open WOD is looming in the distance.  I really hope there aren’t dumbbells.  I’d like to move on to a barbell.  Power Cleans would be nice.  I’m still thinking a max shoulder to overhead is going to show up… maybe that’s wishful thinking.

Make sure you’re taking care of your hands folks!  Ript skin systems have some great stuff (the “quick fix” works well for healing up torn calluses) and I think “wod welder” and some other brands have popped up since as well.  I don’t have experience with them.  Burts Bees has a “Hand Salve” in a tin that is good for daily, non-torn up hands use.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-bv40p’]

Coaches Notes:

Snatch practice.  These are meant to be light and used for technique work.  Depending on where your max is, using 50-60% is probably appropriate.  Position your elbows under the bar before the snatch balance to help make driving the bar up a more direct effort.  On the WOD – have fun with it, there’s no secret.  Move quickly.  Or give it a70-80% effort if you’re doing the Open WOD on Friday (or skip it for some mobility + cardio).


Every Minute for 10 Minutes perform:
1 High hang Snatch
1 Snatch Balance
1 Overhead squat

Metcon – Lil mini Cindy on a boat!

4 Rounds for time:
Row 300m/250m
+ 3 Rounds of:
3 pull ups
6 push ups
9 squats

so you row, then do 3 rounds of the triplet, then row, do three rounds of the triplet, and then 2 more rounds.
*Alternatively, you can pair up with someone and Row until they finish the 3 rounds and then switch spots.