CrossFit Sudbury – 08032017 – Mainsite 26022017

Hey Friends!

Wednesday coming up!  Another normal day of training 😉  That means it’s a great time for more pause squats.  The pause squats are designed to test your positioning and encourage proper form.  Really make an effort to sink DEEP into the squat, so long as you’re still active (so Deniz, Andrea, Kathy, Crystal, and whoever else has really impressive mobility, maybe stay slightly above the deepest you can go, so as to ensure you’re staying active).

3 more weeks of awesome Open WODs – Here’s hoping for a heavy barbell 🙂

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Coaches Notes:

The squats I wrote about above.  on the WOD – take your time on the rope climbs, and you might need to break the push presses up.  That’ll mean another clean, but you’ll be ok.  Good opportunity to practice your wraps on the rope climbs 🙂


Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes perform:
3 Front Squats with a 1 second pause in the bottom

Metcon – Mainsite 26022017

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 Rope Climbs (sub get ups, or 9 toes to bar + pull ups)
12 Push Press (95/135)
50 double-unders