CrossFit Sudbury – 07032017 – Grippy Hammy

Hey Friends!

17.2 is all wrapped up!  Hope you all got your scores in and crushed extreme.  I know at least Steph PR’d her muscle ups with 1 – Congrats Steph – weird how working on strict strength and putting in the time/reps pays off 😉

We’ve got another bonus point situation coming up for this weeks Open Intramurals – You’re going to like it 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2qg6is’]

Coaches Notes:

Handstand Practice – These are meant to be beautiful handstands.  If you can do them against the wall, do it, and stay hollow and active in those shoulders.  If you can’t, go completely upside down, use a box or weight stack to rest your toes on, but you should still be aiming for that hollow position, and having your butt and shoulders over your hands.  On the WOD, it’s important to maintain a solid back and trunk during your deadlifts.  no mixed grip, no hook grip.  Just plain hold overhand grip.  Burpee over box is where time will be lost on this WOD – or if you need to break the Wall balls up.  Don’t break them up.


Every Minute for 10 Minutes perform a Handstand Hold
10-15 seconds (Remember: legs together, toes pointed, reaching up and pressing up towards the ceiling the whole time! Make these active)

Metcon – Grippy Hammy

15 Minute AMRAP:
3 Deadlifts with an overhand grip (no mixed grip) @65-70%
9 Burpees over box (24/20)
15 Wall Ball (20/14)