CrossFit Sudbury – 23022017 – Espresso

Hey Friends!

It’s Thursday AKA Open WOD reveal day.  Dang!  That was a fast week so far.  Lisa has the Open Intramurals details up – so check them out for the week 1 points! 🙂  For those signed up for the CrossFit Open (officially) make sure you’re on team CrossFit Sudbury, and make sure someone judges your performance, or it won’t count.  If you have any questions, let us know – we’re around to provide answers.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1xtnqb’]

Coaches Notes:

Skill work!  Wall walks, which we’ve done before, can be difficult.  Stay hollow as much as possible and take small, controlled steps. KB swings and DU’s on the WOD should be “easy”.  Crank through them and try to keep the push ups one set, or plan to break the push ups up before you fail.  Have fun.  Maybe dial it back a bit if you plan on doing the Open WOD on Friday (or skip it in exchange for some mobility and rowing/running/airdyning.

Skill work:

5 Rounds For Quality:

2 Rope Climbs / Seated Rope Pulls
2 Wall Walks
8 KB Snatch Per Arm

20 min. Time Cap

Metcon – Espresso

5 Rounds For Time:

30 Double Unders
15 Push Ups
15 KB Swings (50/35)

Scale up: 5 HSPU, (70/50)