CrossFit Sudbury – 30012017 – Turd Ferguson

Hey Friends!

Beauty weekend – it got COLD today.  Dang, went for a walk and the fingers and thumbs were gone.  I didn’t dress completely properly (tshirt inside coat), but I had legit glove/mitts on even!  Time to start the full blown layers, I’m thinking.

Just as a warning, the coming weeks definitely have more thrusters, and burpees than I’d care for, but they’re just about guaranteed to be in the open, so practicing them in their various ways is going to come up a bit more for the coming few weeks as preparation.  Just in case you were thinking, “we JUST did burpees” 😉

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1uj4pm’]

Coaches Notes:

Nice Clean complex coming your way.  The three reps should be touch and go, so make sure you’re hook gripping, and using chalk.  The complex is going to challenge both your technique (so you don’t get really tired while doing it) and your stamina with some aggressive hip extension.  Don’t let your elbows touch your knees in the bottom of the catch.  They should be slightly inside.  WOD is a lung burner.  Get it done however works for you.  Your hip flexors are going to get blown up from the burpees, which will make the toes to bar hard.  Keep that in mind in your strategy.  I would finish the burpees and then not rush to the pull up bar.  Then break them up as little, but as evenly as possible.


On a 10 Minute Timer, work up to a heavy:
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Hang Clean

Metcon – “Turd Ferguson”

500m Row

and then….

21-15-9 Reps For Time:

DB Thrusters (1/3 bw)

Advanced: (1/2 bw)