CrossFit Sudbury – 17012017 – Tabata Mash up!

Hey Friends!

Great work with the Power Clean & Jerks – there were definitely some PRs and also some quality PRs, if you know what I mean.  Everyone had almost the same pose after finishing the WOD (… my triceps!) which was comical and looked like everyone had a good time.  Mornings seem to be going MUCH smoother now, which is also nice – thank you to the 5:30am folks for doing the WOD first and strength second (though sometimes it’s kinda nice to do it that way).

Performance tip – don’t lean back on those KB swings.  I know we say “eye height”, but if your violent hip extension doesn’t get the ‘bell to eye height, don’t sweat it.  I noticed some folks leaning back to compensate (and raise the kettlebell to eye height by lowering their eye height to kettlebell height [it’s like inception]).  All we care about is the violent hip extension (in training).  no leaning back means no back pain.  Yay!

For those not interested in BBQing in the cold.  This “recipe” for cooking steak is delicious.  Tim Ferriss also has a recipe called “sexy time steak” which is really good.

[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2y6657′]

Coaches Notes:

Heavy Back Squats!  Each set should be heavier than the last time we did 5-3-2.  You could also use your 2×5 numbers from last week as a guideline of where to start.  Rest enough between sets and no failing allowed.  We also have a beauty Tabata WOD.  It’s a mash up, so you get lots of rest between exercises, which means you should be going all out each time.  Keep in mind the order, and that after the squats you’ll rest 10 seconds, then rest 20 seconds and then rest 10 more seconds before doing the next round (20 seconds of pull ups).  I know the squats are starting to get a little boring (we can tell because people have the itch to sneak in a 1RM on their own, it seems), but we don’t want to have to stop doing it because it’s working so well.  We aren’t going to be doing it forever, and we’ll be maxing some things out before the Open, as it’s nice to know where we’re at that point.  Also keep in mind… knowing how many unbroken chest to bar pull ups you can do is just as useful as knowing your 1RM Snatch.  Probably even more so when it comes to CrossFit.  Just sayin’.


On a 10 Minute timer:
5 Back Squats @80%
3 Back Squats @85%
2 Back Squats @90%

*Percentages are guidelines – use a weight that makes sense for you. NO FAILING.

Metcon – Tabata Mash up!

20 seconds on/10 seconds off at each station for 5 rounds.
Pull ups
Sit ups

i.e. Pull ups, sit ups, squats, rest, pull ups, sit ups, squats, rest, etc.

NOT pull ups, pull ups, pull ups, pull ups, pull ups, sit ups, etc.

Score is total reps