CrossFit Sudbury – 16012017 – “Cuddy Cabin”

Hey Friends!

Killer weekend 🙂 We did some great open prep, had some pretty solid weather (looks like lots of folks made it out for a hike/walk in the bush/snow) and I watched an entire movie (without falling asleep even!)  Big day.  Haha.  Though seriously, if you’re interested in checking out a good family flick, “Kubo & the 2 strings” was pretty neat.

Lisa’s Yoga is into it’s second week, and the weightlifting club will be kicking off in 2017 next week (on the 24th of January).  We’ve also got the Whole Life Challenge starting up on the 21st (sign up here, if you’d like), which is worth checking out if you’d like a kick in the pants with regards to improving your life/health/fitness.  Registration for the CrossFit Open has started too (though it doesn’t begin until February).

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-30j1p4′]

Coaches Notes:

Looking for a 1RM Power Clean & Jerk (any style of jerk) today.  10 Minutes isn’t a tonne of time to work up to it, but it should be enough to find “today’s” 1RM.  Big jump & fast elbows on those Power Cleans.  Remember a power clean is a squat anywhere above parallel, so make sure you’re meeting the bar where it comes to.  On that jerk, keep your entire foot down, but stay slightly on the heels and get your face out fo the way.  Abs TIGHT and don’t dip too low.  This should help set you up for the quickest and shortest path between your shoulders and over your head.  Todays WOD is going to come down to the dips, but going hard on the row and KB swings shouldn’t mess you up for the dips at all, so set a fast pace on them and avoid resting too much between sets of dips. unless you can do 30 straight, in which case… do that.


On a 10 Minute Timer:
Find your 1RM Power Clean & Jerk

Metcon – “Cuddy Cabin”

For time:
1000m Row
50 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1
30 Dips