CrossFit Sudbury – 13012017 – Fran Friday!

Hey Friends!

Good work on todays intervals – nothing like a nice ~1:1 work to rest ratio 🙂 There were some beauty overhead squats and Clean & Jerks today.  If you feel like your Snatch or Clean & Jerk could use some work let me know as we’re restarting the Weightlifting Club as soon as I know how many people are interested.  Sorry there wasn’t a sign-up sheet on the wall, but we’ll get one up shortly.  In the means time, here is an online sign up – just jot down your name, email, and if the times (Tuesday & Thursday at 8pm and Sunday at 1pm [would Saturday work better?]) work for you, and if they don’t if you’d like help outside of the club, specifically related to weightlifting (or other stuff, haha)

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Coaches Notes:

Heavy partial deadlifts.  They’re less demanding on the nervous system, and by dropping from the knee you won’t get as sore, though you’ll still make the deadlift gains 🙂  So, to review, double overhand grip, slow lift to the knees, then drop.  Then do it again (5 sets of 2).  After that, you’ve got a nice, easy Fran (it IS Friday the 13th, you know).  If you aren’t up to PRing today, just plan a strategy and try for that (like trying to do unbroken sets, but planning rest between them).  If you’re feeling up to it… smash away!


Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds:
2 Partial Deadlifts @85% (lift slowly to the knee, then drop the bar – double overhand grip, ideally)

Metcon – Fran:

For Time:
21-15-9 reps
Thruster 95/65#