CrossFit Sudbury – 12012017 – Fish Tacos

Hey Friends!

Great work today – big time lung burner on that one 🙂  Hope you guys all had a blast at Lisa’s Yoga (which started tonight)!  Yoga for improving flexibility, stability and even mental toughness is hugely beneficial.  That’s a totally “generic” sounding statement, but it’s true – there aren’t that many things that will universally improve how you perform, and improving flexibility and stability is one of them )along with taking fish oil, squatting, and getting your sleep).

We’re going to be starting up the next cycle of the weightlifting club very soon – I’ll put up a sign-up sheet for those interested.  Times will be the same, though we might be able to accommodate those who couldn’t make the main times.  Put up your name and email if you’re interested 🙂

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Coaches Notes:

Alright!  Some heavy Overhead Squats today (yesssss).  Get a good warm up in, and some solid warm up sets with the lift.  Remember, no failing.  We did this rep scheme a few weeks ago so you should have a decent idea what you’d like to get to today.  Make sure you rest adequately between sets.  The workout is meant to be a sprint – though you might want to dial it back a tiny bit on the airdyne, so that you can rest minimally before doing the Clean & Jerks (ideally touch & go, if you aren’t too tired!)


On a 10 Minute timer:
5 Overhead Squats @75%
3 Overhead Squats @80%
2 Overhead Squats @85%

Metcon – “Fish Tacos”

4 Rounds for time:
20 Cal Airdyne
5 Clean & Jerk (155/105/65%)
Rest 1 Minute