CrossFit Sudbury – 11012017 – “Gallahad”

Hey Friends!

Sounds like the morning routine went smoother, which is nice.  Doing the metcon first will just take a little getting used to, and will obviously be modified on days when that would be unideal.

The snatch work looked awesome when I was in the gym.  People were no longer jumping forwards at all, and they were staying nice and close to the bar 🙂  Great work, friends!

Pretty sure I posted this video last week, but I like it.  Bonus points if you noticed the cop was Freddy Camacho, CrossFit OG.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-26wqch’]

Coaches Notes:

Strength Work is our good old set of 10 “recovery” front squats.  Ideally a little heavier than the last time we did a set of 10 Front Squats.  Maintain a solid trunk, high elbows and an upright torso.  Brad had a great queue the other day for me in thinking about mirroring the movement you want to come up on your descent.  Jamming your hips back on the way down might not work well, as it can lead to the weight of the bar and your weight shifting all over the place during your lift.  So long as your feet stay flat, straight down leads to straight up.  Almost like rewinding a tape.  worked well for me.  Don’t blow your brains out on the strict HSPU’s.  stop before you fail any reps as you have more to go in the WOD.  Metcon should be a nice pace it out style WOD.  Try to maintain the HSPU’s as strict for as long as possible (or the entire time).  Have fun with it!  Overhead squats going down tomorrow!


On a 6 Minute Timer:
Max Strict Handstand Push ups to start the timer
10 Front Squats @~65% (just heavier than the last time we did a set of 10)
at the end of the 6 Minutes, another set of max handstand push ups (try to match or beat your first set)

Metcon – “Gallahad”

12 Minute AMRAP:
3 handstand push ups
6 deadlifts (185/115)
9 box jumps (24/20)

Cash Out:

2 sets:
Hollow rock for max time