CrossFit Sudbury – 09012016 – Times Like These

Hey Friends!

We’re BACK 🙂 (you might not have noticed Kristin and I weren’t around for the week, but you also might have) – Great vacation to recharge the batteries.  Now we’re stoked to get the year started (for real) and hopefully achieve some awesome things this year.  I hope you all have your sights on some goals/targets to strive for this year, don’t hesitate to let your coach know (or Kristin, or I, or whoever…. we’re all pretty encouraging) what you’d like to accomplish, and we’ll do our best to help you out!

Important info – Visitation for Monique is today (Monday) at the Cooperative Funeral Home (Lasalle and Notre Dame).  If you’d like to go to pay your respects in person, the visitations are from 2-4pm and 7-9pm.  Don’t feel obliged, as we all grieve/pay our respects our own way, but I didn’t want anyone not to have the chance in case they didn’t know the times/location yet, as I know Monique had such a significant impact on the gym and built a LOT of relationships.

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Coaches Notes:

Back at our Squats!  This rep scheme should feel pretty familiar by now, and you should hopefully feel comfortable adding some weight to whatever you used for your last 2×5 back squats (or possibly even the weight on the set of 5 you did in your 5-3-2 week).  We did sets of 4 at 75% probably a month or so ago, it’ll be interesting to compare to how those felt, considering the work we’ve been putting in.  The box jumps don’t need to be high, they just need to be explosive.  If you can explosively jump onto a lower box, by all means do it 🙂  Grip might be the limiting factor on the WOD – Make an effort to waste no time transitioning from ttb to lunges to kb swings, then “rest” for a few seconds (chalk up, walk to the pull up bar) to start the next round, just to give the grip a break between swings and toes to bar.  Cash Out is optional, but there should be time for most to get it done.  Choose your own adventure, but do all 8 intervals on the same movement.


2 rounds NOT for time:
5 Back Squats @75%
3 box jumps (as high as you feel comfortable) RIGHT after your squats
***Rest as needed after the first set of box jumps for your next set.

Metcon – “Times Like These”:

7 minute AMRAP:
7 toes-to-bar
30′ walking lunge
14 American kettlebell swing (50/35)

Optional Cash-Out:

Tabata Monostructural:
Your choice – Double Unders, True Form, Airdyne, Rowing
*Full 8 intervals of the same movement