Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Hey Folks!

So for the rest of the week I’m writing these up ahead of time, since I don’t want to spend time each night (wedding night, rehearsal night, etc.) posting the WOD.  I know – how selfish of me!  hahah

Keep up the great work and let’s keep working on making our lifts with a calm aggressiveness.  You want to explode with the weight when you lift it, but make it look easy while you do.  THAT is where the magic is.  If there was the ultimate, “want to know how to burn belly fat???” or “do this ONE sneaky thing and watch ALL your dreams come true!!!!!!!!!” headline… if they were telling the truth, it would be to put the work in, work hard when you do, and to lift with calm aggressiveness (outside of dietary recommendations, of course).  Unfortunately that’s not a very sexy concept, so it doesn’t get published very often.

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 pull aparts, 1-2 Minutes Squat Therapy (chest up, knees out, hips forward, heels down), 10 push up plus, Junkyard dog warm up

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rest! 🙂
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3 Position Clean @60%  ***Thighs, Knees, Floor***In that order, the reverse you’re used to

AMRAP-10 Minutes:
50 Double Unders
20 OH Lunge 45/25

Foam Roll – Quads, IT bands, Glutes
LaX Ball – Traps, Rhomboids, Rotator Cuff

See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team