CrossFitter of the Month – September Edition

Hey Folks!  It’s that time again!

This month, like the last 2, we award a hard-working, PR-chasing, smile-bearing member the “CrossFitter of the Month”!  Why?  To show how much we appreciate all your hard work, to reward that hard work, and to make sure everyone knows that while we measure results to gauge progress, all the other subtle aspects that make our gym the great place it is don’t go unnoticed.

We chose someone who is pretty much a front runner every month due to his commitment and willingness to jump into any WOD sans complaints.  He has a ridiculous engine, and if you didn’t know, frequently leaves CrossFit Sudbury to hit another killer workout at Sudbury BJJ, and THEN plays hockey.  This guy gets more physical activity in some evenings than most do all week (although that is far less true for Folks attending CrossFit Sudbury, might I add).  If you haven’t guessed who it is yet, this month, we’re awarding “CrossFitter of the Month” to Caz!

Here are his answers to some questions we asked about his experiences:

Name:  Caz Taback

Age: 33

Occupation: Manager

What was your exercise experience prior to CrossFit? Hockey, softball, running, kettlebell, Muay Thai.

How long have you been doing CrossFit and why do you choose to CrossFit? I have been doing CrossFit since January. I saw the 2011 CrossFit games on TV and instantly wanted to do it. It took some time to find CrossFit Sudbury, but now I’m hooked and can’t get enough.

What is your favorite part about CrossFit?  The atmosphere of the gym and camaraderie of the members and coaches is unlike anything I have experienced in any other sport.

What are the accomplishments you are proud of? (CrossFit or non-CrossFit related) – I was diagnosed with bone cancer in my right leg as a kid. After chemotherapy treatment and a bone transplant, the doctors told me it would be safest for my leg if I did not play hockey anymore. Two years later, after learning how to walk again, I was back on the ice anyhow, and have been playing ever since. I am driven by the sense of accomplishment I get from pushing myself physically, like we do in Crossfit.

Favorite workout or lift?  Would you believe Fran?

Extra Notes:  CrossFit Sudbury has grown so much since I joined in January. Now when we train on a Saturday, not only do you have to contend with struggling to get through the WOD, but you also have to be careful you don’t run into people when you leave the gym to do a 400m run! I’m happy to see how much the gym has grown. Adam this place is amazing! Keep it up!!


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